Posts Tagged ‘abc news online’


October 16th, 2012

Online Business from Home Expert Lindsey Rowe Teaches You!

Online business from home has been skyrocketing as I have mentioned on several accounts, but I thought it was worth mentioning again.

The reason?

I believe in it so much because it changes your life. I know it changed mine, and it can do the same for you too. There are no two people alike, and while many read about the success of those that have started a home based business, the reality is that few stick with it.

Starting your own home based business is simple when you DECIDE. You just DECIDE that it’s what you want to do and then you JUST DO IT.

As long as you follow your passion, and as long as you remain congruent with what you believe and really want in life, no one will fault you for that. Above all, it’s about teaching others how to get started and how to grow their online business.

That is what I want to share with you today. I am here to share with you that an online business from home can be quite rewarding!

online business from home

An online business from home lets you live life while earning money!

Choosing an Online Business from Home

Did you know that choosing an online business from home is simple?

Not only can you build a business from what you really love, but you can market anything online. I was raised to believe that you should follow your dreams and do what you love and what makes you happy. If you don’t, it can make you miserable.

I hear people talk about what they want to do all the time and how unhappy they are, but in reality they just need to decide to do it and STOP blaming everyone else and everything else as to why they aren’t happy and living the life they want.

If you know what you love and what you want to do , then just find a way to make it work and research for ideas. I did the same, but I soon discovered that blogging is a great and inexpensive way to market anything.


I know it seems so simple, right? It is, and I can help you. Choose the business you DESIRE, and then keep reading about what I have to say on selling what you love and how to do it!

online business from home

Work from home jobs allow me to be the mother I want to be!

How to Grow an Online Business from Home with What You Love

Did you know that you can easily grow an online business from home no matter what you are promoting?

Blogging is so easy, and with some training on how to write great content and how to blog using SEO, you will be unstoppable. Sure, you need to blog daily and be consistent, but if you are great things can happen.

I’m not here to tell you that you will get rich overnight, but this is something you can grow over time. Consistency, and learning your craft will get you there a lot faster than if you approach it from a lazy standpoint.

Will you decide that you want to make a change in your life and in your income? Do you desire more freedom with your time?

Remember, you simply need to do the following:

  • Choose to promote what you love
  • Take action
  • Blog about it, and be consistent
  • Work on learning your craft and teach others!

If you are ready to learn more about creating your online business from home, and you need help with your blogging platform, then CLICK HERE to learn more about the tools I use for success!

July 6th, 2012

Work from Home Jobs for All Walks of Life

Are you searching for some work from home jobs right now? Chances are you stumbled across my website here because you were looking for answers to your current dilemma that you are facing with unemployment, a possible layoff, or worse that you truly hate your job.

I know where you are, and I know how hard it can be to dread each morning waking up and going to a job you don’t like. You could feel dreadful simply because you don’t have a passion for what you do, or you just want more time to do what you want and NOT what everyone else wants you to do.

I am going to share with you what work from home jobs are available, and how you can easily find freedom in working from home for yourself every day until you take your last breath!

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work from home jobs

What Work from Home Jobs Are Available?

Now that I have your attention, I am sure that you are curious what work from home jobs are available right?

I am going to cover the most common ones, and then I want to share with you something that may be a bit off of the cuff, but something that really works. It is no secret that due to the economy of today that many are out of work, being laid off, being put onto unemployment completely, and that many will never get a call back.

This is true of many countries and it puts the government officials and the local government in the hot seat, right? However, it has been said that no one is responsible for you but you. I believe that, and while I know that many people have gone to college to get an education, the reality is harsh.

The traditional job scene isn’t working out and it’s leaving many without options, other than the options to find work on their own. With that being said, I can share with you the options online that are available, and quite frankly, they make more sense!

The following are options for online work including:

Online surveys

Data entry

Freelance writing

Network marketing

And of course affiliate marketing

Even if you don’t know much about these, let me give you a more in-depth look at what they are and how they work.

work from home jobs

work from home jobs

Looking Deeper Into Work from Home Jobs

Now that I still have your attention, I want you to understand that yes, it’s about looking deeper into these work from home jobs to find out what they can really do for you.

Quite frankly I know many who do online surveys, but they don’t offer a high leve

l of pay. Rather, these online surveys are more about getting you to be a secret shopper and answering questions for big retailers and chain restaurants in your hometown.

Many of these opportunities offer you free meals in exchange for your feedback, and while there isn’t anything wrong with that, you still need something more concrete, right? Get those free meals, or even go to the store and try new products, but make sure that you are doing something to earn a living.

Data entry jobs from home are actually in demand, and they are because it’s ideal for those who take on these jobs to work from home while being home when their children come home from school. These jobs are also ideal for the corporation because they are able to cut back on overhead and expenses for employees.

Many companies are able to eliminate benefits from their packages, leaving that up to the individual because they are hiring them as a contractor. This isn’t always the case; however, consider that it’s giving each party what they want ultimately in the end.

work from home jobs

work from home jobs

Freelance Writing Work from Home Jobs

So, you want better and more in demand work from home jobs? If so, then freelance writing is a great option. There are websites that cater to freelancers, offering them the chance to sign up and bid on jobs, and there are more jobs to bid on for freelance photography as well as freelance web design.

Whatever your natural born gift is, you can believe that you are in luck when it comes to finding work online. There are many organizations that wish to outsource their work, and will gladly pay you rather than pay someone way too much for the job.

Isn’t that comforting?

Don’t get me wrong, I know that they still might be paying you a little less, but after all, what is your overhead if you are working from home? Think about the benefits and the freedom you get to have!

Work from Home Jobs with Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing

Now that you know more about all of those work from home jobs, what about network marketing or affiliate marketing?

Network marketing gives you the support, products, sales process, and a compensation plan already designed so that you don’t need to worry about it. However, affiliate marketing is you promoting products or services and that is it.

So, while they both have their benefits, it depends on what you are looking for. Both take time and effort to build, but there are many who have found that these two work from home jobs are the most profitable hands down.

Now that you know more about these work from home jobs, what will you choose? Still confused? Take it from me, you need a mentor, and with all that is out there, I have some real solutions that really work.

If you want more information on work from home jobs that work, then CLICK HERE to get connected with me and get valuable information on these jobs today!
