May 1st, 2012

Internet Entrepreneurship – Meeting PRO U’s Founder Jay Kubassek Was A Game Changer

Meeting Up With The Big Guns!

Here’s a video of Jay and I at the event, take a look if you like……

Internet Entrepreneurship Gets Turbo Boost From Jay. 

I was privileged to attend the PRO U PEAK Mastermind Retreat held in Costa Rica from 12th to 15th April 2012. My colleague, Anita Patel from Brisbane had invited me to go and it was an offer far too good to refuse. We were going to be masterminding with some of the top leaders in the industry including PRO U Founder, Jay Kubassek no less, mega superstar in direct sales. Nobody more successful than Jay in the industry.  This was seriously going to be a game changer for sure. Click here to view a previous post about the event.

Jay’s company – PRO U – is the premier online business mentorship company for individuals aspiring to become online entrepreneurs and has since become the number one incubator for most of the successful online entrepreneurs today. A variety of world-renowned experts, best-selling authors, gurus, business and thought leaders deliver mentorship to thousands of members in over 200 countries.  What was really awesome was that most of them were in Costa Rica with us at the PEAK Mastermind.

Internet Entrepreneurship – Getting Advice From The Leaders Makes A Huge Difference

During the mastermind sessions Jay had some great advice which made perfect sense to me. I know it’s going to have a positive impact in everything I do which is why I want to share it with you.

Jay said we need to attach a mental zipwire to our goals and focus on them. Let me explain ……..

Internet Entrepreneurship – An Afternoon Spent In The Costa Rican Forest Helped Change My Mindset

A group of around thirty of us went out in the Costa Rican forest zipwiring one afternoon, and, come to mention it, that was where I started to have a mindset shift.

Just imagine if you can, being up in the canopy of the forest, seeing a terrifying ravine ahead of you which you’re about to traverse with nothing more than a clip or two on a thin metal wire anything up to 40 metres above the forest floor between you and certain death if you were to fall.  Just a helmet on for safety, no safety nets. Nothing.

When standing on those wire mesh platforms high up in the tree tops waiting for your turn, you realise you have no choice but to place your trust in the Costa Rican guides that hook you up to the zipwire.  They’re confident, they do this every day. They’re not terrified (not like me – I was shaking like a jelly). They know the zipwire is securely fastened to the trees on the other side of the ravine.

However, how better to sum up our goals in what we do in our businesses? Jay Kubassek, during a presentation the following day, likened the zipwire to succeeding in our businesses.

Internet Entrepreneurship – Jay Says We Need To Have Crystal Clear Goals To Be Successful

Jay says we need to have crystal clear goals in our minds, set a mental zipwire to them and focus our thoughts and energies on achieving them. Simple as that. Without clear goals, how can we know where we are heading or what we want to achieve?

He says we wouldn’t get on a plane or a zipwire if they didn’t have destinations so it’s the same in our businesses. We have to have that mental zipwire firmly attached to our goals.

Jay went on to say that we need to face our fears and limitations head on and overcome them.  Trying to solve problems using logical, rational thinking isn’t always the best option as it’s our powerful subconscious mind that will work out what we need to do and invariably will come up with the solutions. We need to face our fears just the same in both our businesses and zipwiring. Just like taking a leap of faith.

Internet Entrepreneurship – Attach A Mental Zipwire To Our Goals

Jay says if our mental zipwires are attached to our goals very clearly in our minds and we focus on them daily, our subconscious will help us find a way of getting there.

Think about it for a minute……….Think back to a time when you were trying to remember something and it just wouldn’t come to you – then the next day the answer pops into your head and you have what is called an ‘AHA’ moment. Well that’s the power of your subconscious mind at work and our subconscious brain in much larger than our conscious one (something like eight or nine times the size). When we have a problem to solve, we need to think about the problem or talk about it and our subconscious will delve down deep and usually find the answer. Go ahead and try it if you don’t believe me. I use this technique all the time now thanks to Jay.

P.S: Why not go and meet Jay yourself and find out more.   Click here to go to Jay’s FREE webinar where he reveals his three secret tips to success online. 

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28 Responses to this post.

  1. Ron Richmond says:

    Great job Lindsey. Zipwired for success and Jay Kubassek betting on you! How much better can you get?

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