May 14th, 2012

Internet Entrepreneurship – Tips To Keep You Positive And Motivated

Internet Entrepreneurship – Are You On Your Own Journey?

Internet Entrepreneurship

Tap Into The Power Of Positive Thinking

Then a positive and motivated attitude is going to be essential to your success.

Are you a cup half empty or a cup half full person? Do you see the best or worst in a situation? Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

Have a think about it for a minute. Be honest with yourself. Do positive thoughts dominate your mind or do those negative ones creep in all too often? You might need to work on developing a mindset shift to a more positive one and my tips might help you do just that. Did you know that we have the power to influence our subconscious mind? Did you also know that our thoughts govern our actions?  So knowing that, you've got to do everything in your power to keep yourself positive and this will help to position you for success.

I've got some tips to keep you going when the going gets tough. And it will at times. We none of us get something for nothing and if you are serious about stepping into the ranks of Internet entrepreneurship, then you're going to have to work hard. So let's start by getting to work on the way you feel. You need to feel good and stay feeling good no matter what.

Sleep – This one's a no-brainer. We all need a certain amount of sleep and if you aren't getting enough, how are you going to cope and if you can't cope, guess what? You won't cope, then you'll feel hopeless and your business will suffer. Before you know it, it'll drag you down.  It's a downward spiral so don't get into that one.

Exercise – Vital for so many reasons. It energises us and provides us with a natural high. It also keeps us fit, helping us to stay healthy. Start your day with whatever exercise you like to do. I go for a long brisk walk with my border collie on the Canal Banks near my home in Devon, England early each morning (you can take a look here if you like). This really wakes me up and makes me feel good.

Food & Drink – Make sure you eat good nutritional food to keep you alert and full of energy. Drink lots of water (or drinks with water) to keep you hydrated. I find that if I get hungry or thirsty, I start feeling weak and shaky and this not only affects my mood but my productivity too.

Are You Grateful? – Do you wake up each day and feel grateful?  Are you grateful for your life? Your family (if you have one), friends, or others that play a supportive role?  Your health, their health, your happiness, their happiness, your home, having a roof over your head, where you live in the world?  Do you live outside a war zone? Do you have clean air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink, warmth and a comfortable bed?

Internet Entrepreneur

A Positive Attitude Is Powerful

Could you come u

Day Care Manager Pro.'>Day Care Manager Pro.

p with a list of 100 things you might be grateful for? Recall these on a daily basis and you will find that as each day goes by (that's the power of tapping into your subconscious) you will find more things to be grateful for and once you can develop deep feelings of gratitude, you'll realise how lucky  you are and this will help to keep you happier and more positive and motivated.

Help Others – Do you help other people? Would you say you were an unselfish person? Go on be honest with yourself.  If you do help other people, you'll know how good it feels to help someone less fortunate. Let's face it, we can all find others less fortunate than ourselves no matter what our circumstances are.  There's something very fulfilling from helping someone else.  Try it if you don't believe me. You'll be glad you did and it might just spur you on to making it a regular thing.  One thing is for sure, it'll help to keep you happier and more positive and motivated.

A favourite saying from a former colleague of mine (and I try and live by this)……….”Do Something For Somebody Today But Do It In The Knowledge There Is No Way They Can Ever Repay You”……John Jackson.

Voluntary Work – Do you help out in a local organisation in some way? Maybe you help in your community.  Do you train a team, help in a charity shop or just help an elderly person? It's good to do something that you expect nothing in return for.  Maybe you think you are too busy to do any of this but it's always the busiest people that can find the time to help someone out when needed. You'll find that if you do find time to volunteer for something or fetch some shopping for an elderly neighbour, you'll feel happier and more positive and motivated as a result. Again, try it if you don't believe me. You'd be amazed at how good you feel when you know you've just made someone's day.

Vital For Internet entrepreneurship – Visualise Your Goals Daily

Daily Visualisation Of Your Goals  – Spend time each day visualising your goals.  Know exactly what you want to achieve in the short and long term and keep them fresh in your thoughts. Say them out aloud and picture them in your mind. This is a great way to harness the power of your subconscious especially if you tell it what you are working towards. You'll be surprised at the information that will pop into your head to help you solve a problem or find ways to run your business as you journey towards Internet entrepreneurship.

I was lucky in finding a company called  PRO U around 18 months ago. You can take a look at my own journey towards Internet entrepreneurship here if you like. They're the number one online business mentorship company for individuals aspiring to become online entrepreneurs. Jay Kubassek, the Founder (meet him here) and the other top earning leaders of the company are teaching and mentoring me in everything I need to know about Internet marketing, business systems and mindset skills needed to be successful including how to be positive and motivated.

Want To See For Yourself?

Jay does FREE Live Webinars each week so why not click on the link here and register to take a closer look.


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4 Responses to this post.

  1. Michael Crampton says:

    Very important information and clearly laid out.

    The iceberg demonstrates well the importance of having the larger portion of ‘it’ as our base or foundation.

    Live by John Jackson’s powerful words daily.

    Thanks for sharing this great blog Lindsey.

    • Lindsey Rowe says:

      Thanks for your positive comments Michael. Much appreciated. Glad you find the post useful. We all need to remain positive and motivated in order to succeed. Cheers Lindsey 🙂

  2. Michael Crampton says:

    Ps. ‘It’ meaning attitude of course, and how important it is in helping to maintain a positive mindset.

    Pps. I meant I live by John Jackson’s infamous words.

    Love reading your blogs Lindsey, so keep them coming!