Posts Tagged ‘customer satisfaction survey’


July 12th, 2013

Customer Service Skills-Why You Can’t Live Without Them

Have you ever felt that customer service skills are a lost art? Regardless of the country you live in, business  is tough as the global economy shifts. However,  it’s worth mentioning that service is all you have left whether price is good or bad in the eyes of your public.

So, why is it that it seems service is so poor when you shop or dine out for the evening? While it may depend on the reputation of where you dine or where you shop, it is still up to the business owner and manager to do what it takes to provide great service to all customers, no matter what. What do you consider to be good customer service? Have you ever owned a brick and mortar establishment to where you had to keep a constant eye on your staff? Even if your business is solely online, how you treat your customers is everything.

I would like to share with you today, how you can provide your customers with value, how you can win them over with service, and why customer service skills are just what the doctor ordered when it comes to experiencing massive success!

customer service skills

Why Customer Service Skills Rule Your Business

Is there any doubt that serving others would boost your business? While some of you may say no, I’ll let you know upfront I disagree. Consider, the big box stores around the world, that have now put locations in almost all major cities. They often offer the best or lower prices, believing that they will draw millions of customers.

While this may look good and work on the front end of the marketing campaign, it may not fair so well for them long term. When they take the service away all they can lean on is price. In this regard, they won’t fair so well now or in the future. Why? Because, there is no longer a draw for the masses. Those that get fed up with long lines and not enough cashiers will no longer stop there for their household needs, and they will go where they believe they get the “best service”.

Customer service skills will absolutely rule your business, in that they:

  1. Are the standard that you set for your customers
  2. Your business makes it known that this is the most important part of their operation
  3. Draw the masses over and over, and not just every now and then

When your business makes this a rule and expectation on a consistent basis, things will change for your business for the better now and in the future. What else do  you really need to know before you start providing better service?

Customer Service Skills Are the End of the Road for You!

While you may think that this is just something you enforce once times get tough, I beg to differ. Your standards should be higher than ever, no matter what, and they should stay the sam. Consistency is the key no matter what, and unless you offer  your customers more than a low price, you can begin to look for a job working for someone else, that may not succeed either.

Wouldn’t you rather live with a set of values that  changes the game for all involved? Let customer service skills be a guide for you, and let them be how you end measuring your success!

PS-Did you learn something new by reading this blog post? Do you now see how “customer service skills” can change the game for your business? If you start out with grear service and keep great service, people will always flow to you like a river. If you would like to learn more about how great customer service skills can change your business, go HERE to access a FREE bootcamp that will show you the ropes on how a business should be built online!