Posts Tagged ‘Google Webmaster’


July 9th, 2012

Keyword Tool | What it is and Why Using the Wrong One Could Hurt Your Chances of Ranking!

If you have never heard of a keyword tool then you probably are wondering what in the world I am talking about right?

A great keyword tool can in fact save you tons of time and help you tremendously when you are working hard at targeting the right keywords for your niche market. I am going to share with you how you can find the right keywords to use in your blog to attract the right prospects for your business every single time!

keyword tool

keyword tool

What is a Keyword Tool and Where in the World do I Find One?

What is a keyword tool anyhow?

Ah, it’s the tool that you can use online to help you find the best keywords that will not only target those you wish to prospect, but it will help you find those keywords that are high ranking and low competition. This means that you can find keywords that people are looking for, but they are not being overused by bloggers.

Another way of saying this is that you want to rank on Google, and find the keywords that are not being used as much, or in other words those keywords that are not high competition to rank for.

So, where do you find such a keyword tool?

Google has one that you can use for free, and it’s part of AdWords. This means that these are words or phrases that are frequently being searched within Google, and being used for the purpose of advertising.

With that in mind, this tool is free and it breaks down every keyword according to what is low, medium, and high competition. The Google keyword tool is also going to tell you how often these keywords are being search daily, monthly, and how often on a global and local search engine.

Make sense?

There are other tools that you can use that are a bit more involved, including:


t Samurai
-Keyword Canine
-And Bing keyword tool

With so many options it is no surprise that bloggers are able to find what they need, but it can be overwhelming am I right?

keyword tool

keyword tool

Buy a Keyword Tool that Won’t Break Your Budget

I have found that one of the most frustrating things for new marketers is that they don’t have a lot to invest in tools outside of their blog, and it’s perfectly okay if you cannot pay for a new tool for keyword research.

Focus on using what is free first until you get some traffic then you can start re-investing back into your business. Make sense? Don’t stress out, after all it’s counterproductive!

Instead, just focus on producing great content. Okay?

keyword tool

keyword tool

Be Smart When Using the Keyword Tool

Now that you know where you can find a great, free keyword tool and how you need to go about using it, why not just focus on writing great content and getting some traffic directed to your blog?

You don’t need to worry about anything else other than driving traffic to your authority site, and rest assured that if you do, you will have NO regrets.

You will be making plenty in time to buy any other tools you need, and then you can work at doubling what you have done so far. Make sense?

Are you ready to learn more about blogging to promote your small business, network marketing business, or even your website?

You can CLICK HERE to learn more about how to create a professional blog, and how to use the right keyword tool every time to attract more prospects to your blog and earn a great income!
