Posts Tagged ‘Live The Dream Event’


November 7th, 2011

The Importance Of Attending A ‘Live The Dream Event’

That’s a good question and if you were lucky enough to go to Orlando in Florida to attend My Lead System PRO’s ‘Live The Dream Event’, in October 2011, then you should appreciate the importance of attending this type of event from your own personal experiences. It will have made a lasting impression on you for sure.

 Nothing beats attending an event LIVE, connecting with and rubbing shoulders with the movers and shakers. Watching it on a video or listening to a CD doesn’t have the same effect. Nothing like it. It’s the best thing for your belief and confidence in the organisation you are with. Once you get to meet and mastermind with the top earners in the industry of Internet or Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing, you know without a doubt, these are real experts to work with. Meeting these industry experts in the flesh is an awe inspiring experience and can really help to catapult your own business to success.

You will develop trust in your colleagues and feel excited and motivated to be working with them. Many people claim to feel ‘pumped up’ when leaving events and this is something that sky-rockets your motivation levels and focus. You learn so much more from being at an event LIVE and what you do learn will have a measurable impact when applied to your business.

Partnerships are formed when meeting people and networking with them at events in ways that can’t be achieved by email or phone. It’s human nature, once you’ve established a relationship with someone, they are far more likely to want to help you. And they will.

Online marketing business owner Lindsey Rowe of www.CopyTheExperts.Com knows what it takes to become an entrepreneur and is a great believer in attending live events, the last one being the PRO Elite Master Marketing Event in Phoenix, Arizona in May 2011. She claims it changed her life.

Commented Rowe, “I got to meet most of the top earning experts in the organisation including Jay Kubassek, the CEO and founder of PRO Elite and what a blast that was. Other Gurus in the industry were there including Mark Hoverson, Jonathan Budd, Mike Dillard, Michael Force, Aaron and Sophia Rashkin, Greg Davidson, Lena Bjorna and many more.

I even saw the world famous author and expert on wealth creation, New York Times bestseller for his Automatic Millionare series of books, David Bach.”

What I learnt from those leaders during our mastermind sessions has made a huge difference to my business and my team are benefiting from this knowledge and expertise. For anyone lucky enough to have attended the ‘Live The Dream Event’ in Florida, the same would surely apply.