June 22nd, 2012

Leadership For Success – 5 Daily Actions To Take

Leadership For Success In Your Business


If you’re new to running your own business then you’ll want to develop leadership for success in whatever it is you are selling or promoting. Leadership is a key element to the successful running of any business and listed below are 5 very important techniques that many of the successful leaders in industry use every day.

“Why does my business need leadership for success?”

Because in order to be successful in a variety of businesses, you have to position yourself as a leader and expert in your field. People want to follow people that are successful – people they see as leaders and people that really are experts in their field. And when they get to know, like and trust you, they will buy off you.  It’s as simple as that. Most businesses need great leadership for success.

So what ARE the 5 DAILY actions that successful leaders take?

1. Daily Visualisation And Meditation Of Your Goals

Did you know that you have the power to influence your subconscious mind? Did you also know that your conscious mind is tiny compared to your massive subconscious mind?

You need to work out your goals and they have to be very specific.  You can’t just say you want to be successful in business.  You have to define what that success is and what it looks like.  To give you an idea, it could be a goal of earning $10,000 per month by a certain date. You can’t just say that you want to earn lots of money – that’s not going to work on your subconscious mind.  You have to work out the specifics of what you want to achieve and dates by which you want to achieve your goals.

I recommend you put your goals into a list and visualise them each day. Say them out loud so that your subconscious mind can start to find ways to deliver solutions to you to enable you to achieve those goals. You’ll find that in time, the more obsessed you become with something, the more likely it is to happen. Think back to things in your life that you’ve wanted so badly, that they’ve eventually happened for you.  You made them happen.

2. Income Producing Activities

You have to be disciplined to do the things in your business that are going to make you money.  You must market your busin

ess daily or you simply won’t get any leads or customers. That could be placing adverts on the Internet, writing a blog post,  interacting with your customers through social media, email or by speaking to them.  Imagine if you had a shop on a high street, are you just going to rely on passing trade to come into your store or are you going to proactively market it?  Without customers, you have no business. Same applies online.

3. Mastermind With Other Leaders

Make sure you mastermind with as many successful leaders or mentors in your industry as possible. Can you access live calls, conference calls, trainings or webinars? You’ll find that the more you can mix with other leaders who are like-minded and positive, their influence on you will have a dramatic effect.

As time goes by, the more you immerse and surround yourself in the company of other leaders, you’ll start to speak their language and your transition to becoming a leader will be much easier.

4. Cultivate The Expectation Of Leadership For Success

Don’t wait to HAVE what other leaders have before you DO what other leaders do so you can BE what other leaders are.  Do it the other way around.  BE the leader, DO what leaders do and you will HAVE what leaders have.  So have belief in yourself and create that vital leadership for success, the life-blood of any business.

5. Personal Development

Never miss an opportunity for daily personal development or training. Always be a student and increase your knowledge and expertise. You can read books, listen to audio, do training courses and best of all, attend live events  Try and learn something new every day. If you’re not learning, you’re standing still.

I was taught the importance of these 5 daily actions from my mentor Jay Kubassek, Co-Founder of SFM & DEA – top leader in Internet marketing and entrepreneurial education. I spent quite a bit of time with him at the first PRO-U PEAK Mastermind event in Costa Rica. Click here to view a video of us chatting.  David Wood, Co-Founder of the Empower Network was also there and he and I had a really interesting chat one afternoon.


Here, take a look at David and I chatting by the pool……..

Lindsey Meets David Wood in Costa Rica

Lindsey Meets David Wood in Costa Rica


Can  you imagine the effect meeting these top two leaders had on me? It was awesome!

So there you have it. If you get into daily habits of doing these 5 things, you’ll soon realise  the importance of leadership for success in your business.


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