Posts Tagged ‘digital marketing’


July 29th, 2013

Professional Women in Business-What These Women Do that Works!

Professional women in business have discovered that they can easily build their businesses online, and they choose to take the time to use the tools that are available to develop their business faster.

At the very least, when you ask “What is a marketing campaign?”, wait for the answer. Opening up the ears to listen is without a doubt the best thing we can do, and listening is a lost art. Hence the reason that marketing digital is much more effective. You can easily use social media to reach out to your prospects before you ever connect with them verbally or in person.

It’s all about reaching out and engagement. If you don’t convey what you believe to your audience then you can’t expect them to come around! Do you desire to attract the “right” crowd? If you do then we need to talk!

I want to share with you how professional women in business are harnessing the power of the internet and using a sound marketing campaign to grow their online presence and create the life they have been dreaming of!

What Professional Women in Business Know!

What do professional women in business know that you don’t? It’s not a big SECRET, but rather it’s tapping into the modern day power that is already at your fingertips! I teach marketers to learn the true digital marketing definition before they do anything else.

So, what does this mean? How do you define harnessing the power of an online venture?

Simply put it’s a combination of things including:

  1. Identifying your true passion and marketing it online
  2. Blogging about your passion to drive traffic to your website
  3. Using social media to attract your audience and then educate them about what you do and why
  4. Use email marketing to keep your audience up to date on what you are doing and WHY

Putting these things together is the only way to take your business to a whole new level, and it’s the best and easiest way to do things when marketing on a budget. The truth is that not only do we find ourselves in a bind when we start a new business, but we just need to be focusing on how to do things a little bit smarter.

There are so many tools to use online to get started for free, that you simply wouldn’t be able to use to start up a brick and mortar business. It’s amazing that so many still haven’t tapped into the ability to start an online business without thousands, and the overhead from now into the future will remain low. Come on ladies, this can be done! You can do this!

In fact, if you are one of the many stay at home moms going back to work, this is perfect for you!

Professional Women in Business Are Teaching Others How to Have Major Success Online!

While you may think that this sounds too easy, I would urge you to consider really researching this so you can find out for yourself. I am providing you with tons of valuable information, but at the end of the day you have to learn this for yourself.

I am connected to many professional women in business that I look to for advice when I can’t find my way, or if I hear about something new in the world of marketing. When you connect with likeminded individuals, you’ll learn:

  • How to brand yourself
  • How to start marketing yourself online
  • How to really let your personality shine through and more!

Digital marketing has changed the way we do things, and not to mention that traditional marketing has really lost it’s flavour when it comes to cost, but how people receive it too. Marketing via newspaper is no longer the way to go about doing things, in fact it’s the last option. However, you’ll see the results from the connections you make online much faster than you would any other method.


July 5th, 2013

A Whole New World! What to Expect Your First Year of Internet Marketing!

A whole new world awaits you if you are planning to jump into digital marketing, but this is your time to test new waters. It’s exciting to start a home based business and it’s fun to learn new things,however, it’s wise for you to have an understanding of what you can expect your first year in business.

You’ll need to have a realistic view of what it takes for you to make it, how much hustling you’ll really need to do, and what you’ll be earning within your first 6 months into your first year of internet marketing. It’s so important that what you expect is real, so that you don’t set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

I am going to share with you what I know, and what I personally experienced so that you can do the same, and you’ll be ready to enter into a whole new world with your new business!

a whole new world

Learn how to make money in a recession

Entering Into a Whole New World with a Home Business

When you choose to start a home business, you’ll find yourself planning for what seems like an eternity, and then you’ll find that there is a season of activity that needs to take place in order to make your dreams come to fruition.

Before you can even plan, an idea is born, and it’s one that grows from your deepest passions in life. This means that for each one of us our business could be something different, whether its:

  1. Skincare and beauty items
  2. Health and wellness
  3. Precious metals and collectibles
  4. Home decor and other categories

The options for home based business are endless, but once you have an idea you need to draw out a small plan for your business to get it started. This means planning for:

  1. Startup costs
  2. Logo
  3. Branding yourself online
  4. Creating an online platform to let people know you exist!

There are so many things to consider, but you cannot get anywhere unless you get started. So, your first year will involve some thought and planning, before you take action. It will take you about 3 months to do this if you are fervent and dedicated to spending time with this each day, and then when you are in month 4, you’ll find that taking action feels good and that you are more than ready.

While you’ll be part of a whole new world, you’ll learn by reading and studying about others that had success before you!

Don’t Freak Out in a Whole New World!

While you may be feeling overwhelmed already, remember, my position is that I am here to help you. Everyone that starts a home business and is new to the idea of being self employed may feel a little nervous at times, but it’s a great feeling to know that you will be working for yourself and doing something you really love.

Although you may have a full-time job now, you’ll need to give yourself some time to create and put this together. Be realistic about the fact that you’ll need to study and research before you ever run an ad of any kind via social media, or before you ever use email marketing. You’ll also want to follow top marketers in the industry, just as I did to learn what pitfalls you could encounter during your first year.

This is how I found Six Figure Mentors.  I didn’t have all of the answers when I started and I still don’t! What I do know is that if you surround yourself with knowledgeable people that have experience, and have had success in the online marketing sphere, you’ll learn quickly.

Do you want to start a new business, but you just aren’t sure where to start? Are you looking for a mentor for your business that can help you get to six figures? If you are ready to delve into a whole new world, and you would like a little helping hand, just go HERE to access the Six Figure Mentor 7 day bootcamp!