Posts Tagged ‘How To Work From Home’


July 5th, 2013

A Whole New World! What to Expect Your First Year of Internet Marketing!

A whole new world awaits you if you are planning to jump into digital marketing, but this is your time to test new waters. It’s exciting to start a home based business and it’s fun to learn new things,however, it’s wise for you to have an understanding of what you can expect your first year in business.

You’ll need to have a realistic view of what it takes for you to make it, how much hustling you’ll really need to do, and what you’ll be earning within your first 6 months into your first year of internet marketing. It’s so important that what you expect is real, so that you don’t set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

I am going to share with you what I know, and what I personally experienced so that you can do the same, and you’ll be ready to enter into a whole new world with your new business!

a whole new world

Learn how to make money in a recession

Entering Into a Whole New World with a Home Business

When you choose to start a home business, you’ll find yourself planning for what seems like an eternity, and then you’ll find that there is a season of activity that needs to take place in order to make your dreams come to fruition.

Before you can even plan, an idea is born, and it’s one that grows from your deepest passions in life. This means that for each one of us our business could be something different, whether its:

  1. Skincare and beauty items
  2. Health and wellness
  3. Precious metals and collectibles
  4. Home decor and other categories

The options for home based business are endless, but once you have an idea you need to draw out a small plan for your business to get it started. This means planning for:

  1. Startup costs
  2. Logo
  3. Branding yourself online
  4. Creating an online platform to let people know you exist!

There are so many things to consider, but you cannot get anywhere unless you get started. So, your first year will involve some thought and planning, before you take action. It will take you about 3 months to do this if you are fervent and dedicated to spending time with this each day, and then when you are in month 4, you’ll find that taking action feels good and that you are more than ready.

While you’ll be part of a whole new world, you’ll learn by reading and studying about others that had success before you!

Don’t Freak Out in a Whole New World!

While you may be feeling overwhelmed already, remember, my position is that I am here to help you. Everyone that starts a home business and is new to the idea of being self employed may feel a little nervous at times, but it’s a great feeling to know that you will be working for yourself and doing something you really love.

Although you may have a full-time job now, you’ll need to give yourself some time to create and put this together. Be realistic about the fact that you’ll need to study and research before you ever run an ad of any kind via social media, or before you ever use email marketing. You’ll also want to follow top marketers in the industry, just as I did to learn what pitfalls you could encounter during your first year.

This is how I found Six Figure Mentors.  I didn’t have all of the answers when I started and I still don’t! What I do know is that if you surround yourself with knowledgeable people that have experience, and have had success in the online marketing sphere, you’ll learn quickly.

Do you want to start a new business, but you just aren’t sure where to start? Are you looking for a mentor for your business that can help you get to six figures? If you are ready to delve into a whole new world, and you would like a little helping hand, just go HERE to access the Six Figure Mentor 7 day bootcamp!

September 29th, 2012

5 Ways that Home Businesses Can Change Your Life for the Better!

Home businesses have been rising in popularity since the early 2000's. Have you been wondering how you can get a piece of this pie for yourself?

More and more women and men desire to have more freedom in their life and for them it means starting their own business in which they can work from home. I desired this same freedom, and since I took the plunge, I have NEVER looked back since.

I know how incredible it is to be able to work from home and raise my children, and I only want the same for you too!

I want to share with you the 5 ways in which home businesses can change your life for the better today and every day in the future!

home businesses

Work from home jobs enable you to spend more time with those you love!

Home Businesses Help You Find Out Your Why!

Do you have something in your life that motivates you to get up everyday and attack life with everything in you? If you don't, then it's time to reconsider what you are doing right now.

Life isn't worth living when you don't enjoy it, and that asked me to really do some soul searching for what I wanted out of life. Home businesses ask you to look a bit deeper into your soul to really question what motivates you, to get you dig deeper.

This is the first way in which home businesses can change your life for the better. When I first considered starting a home based business, I asked myself these questions:

  1. Why do I work for someone else when I can work for myself?
  2. Why do I get up everyday to work and earn an income? To pay bills or something more?
  3. Do I believe that money creates options, or is it just a paycheck to me?
  4. If I don't go for my dreams what does that teach my children?

These are all important questions that we should all be asking ourselves, but for me these questions didn't get asked or answered until I decided I wanted to work for myself at home. This exercise helps you gain perspective on what is important in life and for your family.

Home Businesses Call Forth Your Gifts and Talents!

writing research paper

Another way in which home businesses can change your life for the better is that they enable you to use your gifts and talents.

You can choose a home based business based on your gifts and talents or better yet something you are really passionate about. What do you enjoy? Are you passionate about health and wellness? Are you passionate about helping someone else have more freedom in their life?

If so, then use that passion to help you choose a home business, and use that passion to help you grow it!

work from home jobs

Work from home jobs allow me to be the mother I want to be!

Home Businesses Stretch Your Creativity and Your Comfort Zone!

While it's true that home businesses can help you in many ways, they can also help to stretch your creativity and your comfort zone a bit.

This is because you will need to be more innovative in the beginning and tap into your creative side so that you can see where you can use resources you already have before you get into paid advertising.

You will also find that “home businesses” change your life for the better by challenging you to get out of your comfort zone! Talk to people you might not otherwise talk to, and get them to open up to you about other things first.

If you show people you care about them, then building a relationship is super simple! Make sense?

Home Businesses Will Change Your Ability to Earn More Money!

Just in case you were wondering, home businesses can really give you freedom, but you will be increasing your earning power.

Think about it; when you have your own business you will be able to set your own price in order to earn your own income. Just like anything else whatever you put into it is what you get out of it. Sound like a winning proposition?

If you want to learn more about having more freedom in your life, and how home businesses can help you change for the better, then CLICK HERE now!


September 19th, 2012

Work from Home Jobs are Skyrocketing! Find Out Why!

Did you know that work from home jobs are skyrocketing?

When other jobs are NOT, working from home is booming, and it's no surprise. Well, let me say it's no surprise to me, but it still may surprise you, right? Let me be clear; I think it's great and yes I work from home so I can be with my children.

I also take care of my invalid mum, and I am here to take care of my home and spend time with my husband too. Believe me when I say it's so freeing, and while NOT everyday is easy, it's easier than working for someone else that doesn't value me, and being able to be with the people I love the most.

I am going to share with you the avenues by which work from home jobs are plentiful, and how you can tap into this amazing opportunity to do the same for yourself!

work from home jobs

Work from home jobs enable you to spend more time with those you love!

Why Work from Home Jobs are Taking Over the World of Work

So, if you have any doubt as to why work from home jobs are taking over the world, it's not all that hard to see. More than ever job loss has beaten many people down so they are trying to build a bridge to something better that they believe they can control.

The truth is, you can. In fact, while you are doing it, you can share with others how you did it, how you are doing it, and why it's working.

See, working from home isn't for everyone, and it's not just for single moms or dads either. While it might seem ideal for single parents to work from home, remember that at the end of the day it's still work and it is your personal business.

SO, you are responsible for you which may work for you, but it will also give you the greatest freedom ever! I have a daughter and I want to be able to be there for her in the changes of life, to hear how her day went, and to help her with her studies.

If I am NOT there to help her, who would she turn to? Yes, I do have a husband, but as a mother, I have my own important role, and it's one I would never abandon or shy away from. I chose to bring her into this world, and so it is I choose to be at home and nurture her now and into the future.

Can you see why work from home jobs are appealing to people from all walks of life, moms and dads?

sey-rowe-and-daughter-224×300.jpg” alt=”work from home jobs ” title=”work from home jobs ” width=”224″ height=”300″ class=”size-medium wp-image-1620″ /> Work from home jobs allow me to be the mother I want to be!

Work from Home Jobs Are Profitable Online!

Now that you know why these work from home jobs are skyrocketing, and why I chose to jump into the fray, I want you to know that these work from home jobs are great when you promote them online.

Naturally, you have all of the freedom in the world when you work from home, but you still need to get things done and market yourself properly. With that beings said, work from home jobs in all aspects are best marketed online to give you a larger audience.

With millions of people online around the clock, you won't have any choice but to build relationships and make sales even while you sleep!

Above all, it also depends on what time of job you are working at home!

work from home jobs

What work from home jobs would allow you to be at home with your family?

Work from Home Jobs that You Can Start with Low Investment

Another important aspects of these “work from home jobs” is what you need to put into your business upfront to get started. While you may wonder about MLM companies, keep in mind that they are giving you the structure and the products along with marketing ideas and materials to help you.

This means that once you join, you will be given everything you need to get moving, and you won't have to spend your life savings in order to do it.

The following work from home jobs are some good options for you including:

  • MLM companies
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Online stores
  • Freelance work and even promotion of life coaching!

There are so many work from home jobs that you can choose from, but for me personally, it's promoting a blogging platform to promote my other business that works. I can teach you how to do the same, and to give you the freedom and life you deserve.

Are you ready for a better life that you can design all your own?

If so, then CLICK HERE now to talk with me a bit more on what work from home jobs could possibly work for you!


September 13th, 2012

How to Make Money During a Recession

If you are like most people today, you are wondering how to make money during a recession. It's true that right now we are in a difficult time and there is no doubt that it's worth trying to come up with a better plan if there is one.

Truth be told, most people are just feeling completely helpless right now, and until they learn that working from home is ideal and CAN be done, things won't change too much.

I want to share with you how I know it's possible, what I know to be true, and the vision that I see to helping you make it happen.

how  to make money

Learn how to make money in a recession

Learn How to Make Money by Being Resourceful

At the end of the day, it all goes back to one thing, and that is being resourceful. I can't imagine that there is any other way to change your life than to tap into your own greatness.

The challenge is that many people just don't see it that way. They think that they have to go and learn from someone else, when really all they need to do is tap into the gifts and talents that they have right now and make it work.

There is nothing wrong with emulating someone who is more skilled than you, or someone that has tremendous success. However, keep in mind that it all comes down to one thing, and that is you MUST put the time in to make it work anyhow. No one else is going to make things a success for you but you.

If it helps, sit down, and start making a list of your gifts and talents, and then you need to really take a good look at your life. Talk to those you trust, and those closest to you to really help you

treatments of vitiligo

determine what needs work and what is just fine and in working order.

If you want to learn how to make money and make more of it, then you need to learn from those that have been successful and have become leaders in your industry. That will help you tremendously, I promise.

how to make money

Learn how to make money by emulating those that are successful in your industry

Learn How to Make Money by Working at Mastering Your Craft Everyday

In order to learn how to make money, it's best that you focus on mastering your craft. If you don't intend to be great at what you do and just be good at what you do, then don't focus too much.

Honestly, those who make the most money are those that work the hardest at learning from those that are successful, and those that tap into their true gifts and talents. Why try to do or be something that you are NOT? It doesn't work that way, and worst of all it's only going to slow you down when you have ZERO passion for what you do.

It's time to change your life so you can change your mindset, and learn how to make money without working for someone else and being unhappy.

If you want to know more about “how to make money”, and how you can get started just like I did by tapping into your gifts and talents, and working from home, then CLICK HERE now!


July 19th, 2012

5 Practical Hints for Setting Up an Online Business from a Woman Working from Home

Crucial Tips from a Woman Working from Home

Let’s not beat about the bush here, setting up your own online business can seem a challenge at first, but sometimes you get to a stage in your life where you need a new start and a new direction. This is where I was just a few years ago and what a change to my life it has made!

Once you’ve made the decision to pursue the lucrative world of online business, then, though it might seem obvious, you have to decide how you’re going to achieve this and what it is that you have to offer! A woman working from home (or man for that matter!) must have some kind of focus, something to sell.

Are you familiar with Internet Marketing? If not, it’ll become integral to your business, because if you are to sell anything to anyone, then people have to know about your products or services. Without Internet Marketing, how will anyone know to visit your site?

Just what is happening here then? Allow this woman working from home to explain

Picture the scene: you run a shop on the High Street and every day you open your doors, you’re hoping you’ll see a sudden influx of customers. However, you and I both know this won’t be the case! It’s no use just sitting there waiting for customers, you have to work, you have to entice them in! A woman working from home has no choice but to be proactive 🙂

The Internet is just a big high street! And by big, I mean very big. Over two billion people search the web daily on the hunt for goods and services, and it’s up to you to ensure that your customers can find you! An online presence is crucial to your success, and it’s important that everything is polished and attracts potential customers or clients!

So what do you have to do?

  1. Tools – Ensure you have working, relevant equipment! Too much unnecessary equipment can be just as unhelpful as something that packs up on you as you start to use it. Shop around – there are countless deals on computers and Internet connections, so make sure you’re not duped. I’m a MacBook Pro user having used a PC for years. However, I’m well and truly converted!
  2. Workspace – Everyone knows that distractions can be disastrous for working, so make sure you have somewhere private where you can get on with your work! Set some ground rules so your family know to leave you in peace.
  3. Allocate Time – Juggling a family life with your business can be difficult at times so ensure that you plan your time well! Remember, you are now your own boss, so you have the freedom to do as you please! Furthermore, you’re not restricted to working during ‘normal’ hours. If your life dictates that it’s better to work late at night, or perhaps you even function better at that time, then go for it – you can now!
  4. Perseverance & Discipline – You’ll need both in running your own business! Not everything will go your way all the time, so stick at it when times get tough, and try to discipline yourself to have a good work ethic and to do so regularly! Motivation is key here.
  5. Focus and Goals – Setting yourself realistic but worthwhile goals will keep you on track and make you feel good about yourself when you achieve them! Focusing on something means you’ll be more productive, and the end product will be better still.

I’m a woman working from home and these five tips have helped me so much – allow them to help you too!

March 14th, 2012

5 Advantages Of Home Business Opportunities For Mothers And Professional Women

Home Business Opportunities For Mothers And Professional Women

How Am I Supposed To Fit It All In?

If you’re a mother, have a job and are partially responsible for the finances in your home, chances are you’ll be pulled in a variety of directions. Women are capable of juggling many demands, but whatever you’re juggling, it only takes adding one extra ball to throw everything out of whack.

You might be able to handle the job, the children, and the bills most of the time, but what happens when you add to that an ill family member you need to care for, a plummeting economy that forces you out of your job, or a sick child that desperately needs you (typically on the same day a project is due at work)? Get one too many balls in the air and they’ll all come crashing down around you.

Home business opportunities for mothers and professional women offer some wonderful advantages that allow you to keep your professional skills honed while better accommodating the demands of your family.

  • Flexibility: There is no denying how empowering a flexible schedule can be to a mother. Business opportunities for mothers and professional women that allow you to work from home, set your own schedules, and work around the other demands in your life not only allow you to become more productive but also ease pressure you might feel trying to cram everything into a scheduled work shift.
  • Eased guilt: Tired of feeling guilty about saying no to your children when they want you to spend extra time with them? Do you dread the tears you know will well up in your childs eyes when you can’t be there for something important? Home business opportunities for mothers and professional women create the possibility of a guilt-free work zone. You can start saying yes to your kids more often.
  • Better work-life balance: Stay at home mums are sometimes frustrated at not being able to maintain their professional skills. Professional working women are sometimes frustrated at being away from home so much. Home business opportunities for mothers and professional women offer the best of both worlds, allowing you to create a work-life balance that really works.
  • Cost savings: How much money do you spend on your professional wardrobe? Your commute? That morning latte? Daycare? Those costs can all be diminished or erased completely when you work from home.
  • Job contentment: Often, we take jobs because we have to in order to help make ends meet. There is such a wide variety of home business opportunities for mothers and professional women, however, that you can find something that pays the bills and fulfills you.

    I was one of those professional women juggling several balls in the air as a mum and at times, it was crazy and I’d be running around like a headless chicken trying to be in several places at the same time keeping everyone happy – with my boss at the top of list of priorities. It was just nuts – that’s the best way I can describe it.

    Home Business Opportunities For Mothers And Professional Women

    It's Great To Have It All

    Fortunately, I was made redundant late in 2010 from a corporate job which forced me to take stock and re-evaluate my life. This led me to finding a community of expert internet marketers and online business professionals and mentors who got me up and running in my own online business from home and it’s completely changed my life. Gone is all that ridiculous juggling and putting my boss before my family.

    Pro U is probably the worlds number one online education platform and entrepreneurial mentoring program and offers members live training in online marketing, business, mindset and leadership skills with all the tools, resources, coaching and support needed for entrepreneurial success.
    You can learn at your own pace, meet likeminded individuals and above all, live your life as you please while you run your own business from home. To me, this is the most brilliant home business opportunity for mothers and professional women.

    Want to know more? If you do, you can always check out this free webinar? Just click here to organise a time that suits you.

    If my post was helpful, I’d love you to share it with your friends.

  • October 24th, 2011

    Internet Marketing Business Owner Sets off for Historic Fishing Port of Padstow

    Owning your own Internet marketing business means that you are the boss and if you want to get away, then hopefully you can. My family and I have been wanting to get to Padstow, home to celebrity chef Rick Stein, on the Cornish coast ever since I can remember.  Close friends from Australia had given us a wonderful gift of an overnight stay with breakfast at a Rick Stein hotel and dinner at his signature restaurant, The Seafood Restaurant – so off we went last weekend (21st Oct 2011). Our night at St Petroc’s Hotel & Bistro and dinner at The Seafood Restaurant (both are amongst the many businesses that Rick owns) were truly memorable. If you haven’t been, Padstow is one of those really beautiful historical fishing ports with a wonderful olde worlde atmosphere. People visit from all over the world and it’s easy to see why it’s so popular. The seafood dinner we had was out of this world.

    Walking along the coastal path is breathtaking. You get wonderful views across to Rock, another stunning location to visit. Cornwall is full of wonderful places to go. Why not add Padstow to your list of places to see.  You’ll be glad you did.

    October 18th, 2011

    Would You Like To Make Money Online In A Home Based Business?

    Hi – would you like to make money online in a home based business?  Yes I expect you would and that’s exactly what I’m doing these days. Here is a short video of me up on Dartmoor during the summer. It’s right up on top of a hill where there stands an old church dating right back to 11,000 or so. It’s at Brentor  in the South West of England and the scenery is absolutely stunning. Why not take a look and see for yourself?

    If you would like to work for yourself from home and be your own boss then there’s no reason why you can’t. What’s stopping you?  I wish I’d done it a long time ago. I was brainwashed into thinking that my only option was to work for a boss and my family suffered as a result.  I’m just an ordinary person who knew very little about Internet marketing with hardly any IT skills but all that’s changing for me with the education I’m getting from the experts I’m working with.

    Now if I want to take off and walk on Dartmoor I can.   Another real luxury I NEVER had was taking my daughter to school. Imagine that. Now if I want to I can.   Are you stuck in the rut I was in?  Why not put your details into the box on my website and see what I’m doing? Might be perfect for you too.


    October 18th, 2011

    Internet Marketing Business Owner Attends Master Marketing Event Virtually

    I was really lucky to get to Phoenix in Arizona in May 2011 for the Carbon Copy PRO (now PRO Elite) Master Marketing Event.  They just held another one in Las Vegas (October 15th & 16th 2011). Couldn’t get to this one BUT the company streamed the entire event to my home computer!  Wow, how brilliant is that?  Nothing beats being at an event LIVE, but if you really can’t go for genuine reasons then the live streaming is the next best thing.


    If you would like to be working from home too, then why not put your details into the box on my ‘Work With Lindsey’ page and you can take a look at what I’m doing. It’s perfect for me and it could be brilliant for you.


    October 9th, 2011

    Self Branding For Success In An Internet Marketing Business

    Is branding for businesses necessary? Yes, no question, it is absolutely necessary. ANY kind of Internet business whether it’s an Internet marketing business or any of the millions of other types of Internet businesses, and the same applies for offline businesses – they all need branding. Period.

    Regardless of what kind of business you have, how big or small or what your products or services are or your geographical location – you need branding. A one man band business needs branding just as importantly as the corporate giants at the other end of the spectrum.  Every kind of business you can think of on the planet needs branding.

    Many businesses have brands and don’t even know it. That’s because they don’t understand the need for branding, haven’t actively done anything about it because they don’t have a clue how to go about building it.  These business owners need educating, they don’t have the necessary skills to tackle it.

    But their brand exists in the eyes of their customers who have made pre-judgements.  It may be their customers perceive them in a positive way so they’re lucky but on the same token, it could just as easily be the opposite and this is very damaging. This is how businesses can succeed or fail.

    What would you rather be? A business that actively brands itself or one that has its brand determined for you? Wouldn’t you rather be in the driving seat developing a brand that  has all the elements for success to catapult your business into the fast lane? Who you are, what you do and how you do it, is your brand in the eyes of others so it’s crucial to your success to get it right.

    So business owners need to get clued up and decide how to go about building their brand.

    It makes perfect business sense to get your branding right and it includes anything from an offline business which could be a corner shop in your local village or town to a high street store right up to the giants in every industry in both the private and public sectors.

    It could also be someone who has their own stall in a market or someone with an online business on the Internet in a work from home situation who wants an online job.

    Every single business needs branding and if you’ve joined the huge army of people leaving the corporate world in times of economical turmoil to set up what you consider is  your own top home based business which allows you to work at home in an online job, you’ll definitely need what is called self-branding.

    It’s all about being visible on the world-wide stage. Having a good image and being credible. You have to stand out from the crowd. How are people going to recognise you if you don’t have a brand? And if you don’t brand yourself, someone else will.  It’s what sets you apart from your competition.

    You want your customers to come to know, like and trust you. Once you’ve achieved this, people will become loyal. They’ll tell their friends and family about you too. At least, that’s the objective so they go on to buy from you and return to buy more. You want to create a following.  You want to develop a good reputation. This is your brand.

    People buy from people they know, like and trust so set about making sure you interact with your customers. Provide value and integrity. Be honest and be yourself. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. This will make huge inroads into the building of your brand. Your customers will see through you if you are not genuine and your brand will suffer as a result.

    Take some of the major household names that have strong brands.  Think of almost any product or service in the world and you can think of a brand. These companies have gone to great lengths to build their brands. They have marketing departments whose job it is to  build these brands and to continually reinforce them, keeping them fresh in our minds.

    Ask yourself, what was the last TV commercial you watched? What clothes do you like to wear? What do you like to drink? What TV would you go and buy? What car would you like to drive? Everything has a brand associated with it.

    Do brands influence your purchasing decisions? Chances are, you buy the same toothpaste each week? Chances are too that you are programmed to buy brand names automatically. It’s become a sub-conscious act. Wouldn’t you like that for your business? That would surely sky-rocket your business venture to success.

    Let’s just look at what you need to consider doing to brand or self-brand in order to make yourself visible to the world.

    What is your product or service? Will it be good quality?  Will it represent good value? Who do you want to market it to? You have to be able to define your target market and target them accurately?

    Do your research, see who your competitors are. How are they promoting their products or services and how do they brand themselves? Do you like what you see? Maybe you want to use some of their strengths and strategies to assist you in branding yourself without blatantly copying them. But remember, you need to be unique and know what your unique selling points (USP’s) are and actively promote those.

    What are your key messages? What is your vision? What are your company values? What is your mission statement? What is going to make you stand out from the crowd?

    What are you going to do to differentiate your business from every other business in your sector? Are you going to offer your customers and future customers free advice and training? This is a really good strategy for building strong links in developing your brand. People will greatly value what you have to offer without needing to feel pressured to pay for everything and they will be far more likely to want to buy from you as a result.

    How are you going to communicate with your customers, both current and future customers?  You need to interact with your customers to build rapport and relationships. You need to be open, accessible and honest with them. If your customers know, like and trust you, they’re going to want to buy from you.

    Above all, make sure you deliver on your promises if you want your brand to grow in the right direction.

    You’ll need to use all sorts of marketing methods to get your messages out but in addition to your website, the social media marketing revolution will help enormously to increase your visibility and credibility. Your present and future customers are all using social media so you need to be in front of them. This will increase your brand visibility exponentially.

    If this scares you and you know nothing about social media or how to go about setting it up, then don’t worry, you can learn. Read some of my other articles on social media and these will surely help get you started.

    When people come to know that you have integrity, are honest, credible, deliver on your promises, are reliable and offering value, your brand will start to develop and grow. Then you can build on it.

    You are going to need to work on your brand identity too. You may choose to have a corporate theme and image/logo that runs throughout your website and all marketing or promotional materials, point of sale, banners, flags, stationary etc

    Many brands are recognised for a familiar jingle and most have logos that set them apart from their competitors.  Think about what you might want.

    It’s a lot of hard work but once you’ve established a strong brand whether you have an offline business or an Internet marketing business or one of the millions of other types of  Internet businesses there are, branding will make a huge difference to your success.

    I wish you success on your journey and if you’ve found this information useful, I’d love to hear your comments.  If you’d like to find out more about the business that allows me to make money online from home, then take a look on my ‘Work With Lindsey’ page here on my blog.