Posts Tagged ‘facebook’


June 26th, 2013

How to Earn Money with Social Media Marketing

Would you like to learn how to earn money with the power of social media marketing? Chances are, you came across this article as you were searching for more information on how to market outside of your website, print media, or even radio. While it’s now easier than ever to market on a budget, you may not be aware of just how much traffic you can generate through social media sites.

Do you have a strategy for your marketing campaign? Perhaps you just tried a few things here and there, but you just weren’t sure if it was right for you? I am about to change how you look at social media, and how you can use it to:

  1. Generate more leads for your business
  2. Drive more traffic to your website
  3. Get more money in your pocket!

Are you ready to transform your business for good? If you are ready and willing to spend somem time learning how to earn money easily and without spending thousands of your hard earned dollars, then read this article all the way through, and at the end I’ll share with you some important information to help you build your business quickly!

how to earn money

Learn How to Earn Money with Facebook

If you want to learn how to earn money with Facebook, then welcome! Facebook is by far the most talked about social media site, but Pinterest is no doubt on it’s heels.

It’s one thing to believe that all the traffic goes to one place, but to understand that Facebook is the place for cost-per-click marketing is another. It’s easy to use, and it’s easy to hyper target those in your niche market. Need I say more? The fact that so many marketers are now leveraging Facebook for their marketing is testament to the fact that yes, it does work!

There are some marketing greats that have proven how well it works including:

  1. Michelle Pescosolido
  2. Ray Higdon
  3. Onyx Coale and many others

Not only do they run ads, but they share valuable content with social media which is where people spend at least 20 minutes per day focused on nothing more than social media and catching up with friends and watching ads scroll through. What if one person saw your ad and bought a product you promote or better yet, they signed up for your home based business?

What if someone liks your page, buys your product, and a friend of theirs sees it? What if they share your information? This is the power of social media as well. Can you say, SUCCESS?

How to Earn Money with Twitter

It seems that Twitter has always been the most misunderstood social media site, and for good reason. It’s just different, and it’s nothing like Facebook. In fact, Twitter is what is known as a microblog site, which means you gotta keep it short, sweet, and to the point. That’s it.

You only get so many characters of text to type in, so when you use Twitter, you have to make it short and to the point. This means it’s easy to share valuable content through links to articles, videos, and of course images. People love to be entertained, and by tweeting to content you’ve produced, you can really begin to influence people with a solid foundation by bringing value to the table.

So, how to earn money from Twitter? Leave your trail, and those in your niche market are sure to follow. As long as you provide valuable content, you’ll get traffic which results in sales every time. You can also tweet with links direct to your product, and you’ll start earning more than you imagined. As long as you are consistent and you grow your fan base, you’ll be earning money to make it worth your while.

Are you still uncertain as to where to start? NO worries, just simply go HERE today to learn how to earn money using these tools I’ve mentioned today, and get access to this FREE 7 day bootcamp to help you jumpstart your home based business!

June 20th, 2013

Social Media Strategy-What You Need for Success!

Social media strategy? Who needs it? You do!

Even if you are new to the industry, you should already be able to see the power of social media. While it’s so easy to get started, it’s also easy to get caught up in the excitement of doing something before you are really ready to launch. This simply means that you need to think about social media, how it’s being used, and how you can come up with a strategy of your very own to put to good use.

What does it take to make social media work? What do you need to have in place in order for your business to achieve the ultimate in success? I am going to share with you how you too can develop a full social media strategy for your home based business, and how you can start generating interest little by little to build your business with ease, and have fun while you are doing so!

social media strategy

Brainstorming for Your Social Media Strategy

So, you started your home business, and you formatted your website before you did anything else. Now what? Ah, it’s social media. I bet your surprised, right?

You probably aren’t, especially if you were to account for the time you spend online with Facebook just looking at everyone’s pictures of family and so forth. This is why building a social media strategy is so important; it’s what bridges the gap between you and the customers, through engagement, and not to mention the fact that you just need to have a presence online.

There is no way that any business can survive without social media, and having said that, there is no time like the present for you to make the move to:

  1. Learn as much as you can about social media
  2. Learn as much as you can about Facebook and how it works
  3. Learn as much as you can about Twitter and how it works
  4. Learn as much as you can about Instagram and how it works
  5. Learn as much as you can about Pinterest and how it works

Learn as much as you can about other social networking sites to see if they fit in. All in all, the thing is, not many people fully understand that social media is the glue that holds everything together. So, what do you need to ask to start putting together the actual strategy?

You’ll need to identify:

  1. Who your audience is
  2. What are they interested in
  3. What can you do connect with them
  4. How will you market to them consistently?

These are all great questions worth asking when building your business, and this is how you’ll put together a strategy that you can start out with, and one that will change slowly over time.

What to Remember About Your Social Media Strategy

Remember as you build this strategy that things will change as you do, so don’t sweat the small stuff!  Not everyone has such a strong need for social media. For example, business to business is a tough one because most businesses are just looking for the best way to cut costs. If you have a unique proposition for your business, then it’s really important for you to use social media to reach your audience.

If you are targeting a  specific audience, or you are targeting a specific set of skills, then Facebook gives you the advantage from the perspective of pay per click. Don’t you think it’s time you took some workshops on social media?

If you are searching for some help with your social media strategy for your home business, then go HERE now to access this FREE 7 day BOOTCAMP, now!

January 9th, 2012

Does An Internet Marketing Business Need A Facebook Page?

You bet it does, along with just about every other business on the planet both online and offline no matter how big or small. This is the 21st Century and technology is racing ahead at such a speed. If you’ve got an Internet marketing business or any other kind of business, you need to be getting a Facebook Page right now. Don’t wait, you won’t want to get left behind.

So why Facebook?

New sites such as Google+ and privacy-focused Diaspora are attempting to knock it off its pedestal, but at the end of the day, almost everything in today’s social media space is focused around Facebook.

With around 700 million user accounts, Facebook has grown exponentially since its Harvard beginnings in 2005, and in fact, if it was a country it would be the 3rd most populated in the world.

Some people have misgivings about Facebook for various reasons such as lack of time, concerns about privacy or general confusion but the benefits definitely outweigh the drawbacks.

For the majority of us, when we think of the Internet, the first website that comes to mind is Google, but in fact, Facebook has more web traffic than the titanic search giant, where people spend around 700 billion minutes per month on the social network. Clearly, this is where your business needs to be.

Then again, it’s not just about the numbers. Still not convinced? Read on.

Online Presence

An individual has their own personal profile, but as a business, you can create what is known as a Facebook Page. Recent updates to the way Facebook works, mean that you can interact with other users pages as your business. In other words, any activity on Facebook can be attributed to your Business Page rather than your own personal Profile – effortless advertising at its most subtle, so long as you’re not over posting unnecessarily.


Anybody who ‘likes’ your page will see everything that you post in their News Feed – a live, constantly updated stream of information. The nature of the site means that everything you do in the public domain on Facebook will show up to all your target audience, giving them an opportunity to interact all the time. Post something interesting every day and people are able to get to know you and your business better, and this knowledge leading to trust is crucial for your success.


This is a platform for you to show and tell your audience just how special you are – not in an overt way, but through being a veritable expert on your market niche. Post informative tips, interesting news articles, useful ideas so that you are first in the collective consciousness of your audience when they need your services.


Facebook is another outlet for your company so make the most of this – the more you are seen across the Internet with a consistent brand image the better, so even if you’re new to this, you can be on the same level as the big guys! Get yourself a professional branding package if you can which will greatly improve public perception of your business, and then make sure this is the same across your online presence, including Facebook.

Go Viral

If you like, this is your main goal here, and while it doesn’t happen to everyone, Facebook helps hugely. Everything is about sharing here, and it’s free word-of-mouth advertising! Sign up to RSS feeds and surf the net regularly for interesting content which you can then share on your Facebook page, be it videos, articles, tips, anything, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be yours either, as in this case you are only passing it on. Even the best journalists are known to share content from other companies and similar, so why can’t you every now and then do the same thing? Again, if people know they can trust you to pass on good information, then they will more than likely believe in you equally when you’re posting your own material.

This list could go on and on, and that’s the best thing about Facebook right now. It’s a true hub of activity, and the best thing you can do right now for your Internet marketing business or any business that you may be involved with is to get a Facebook Page as fast as you can.

N.B: Remember, a Facebook Page is different to a Facebook Profile. The latter is focused on business and a space for interaction with customers or potential customers, whereas a profile is what your friends and individuals use!