Archive for the ‘Marketing Strategies and Training’ Category


January 17th, 2012

Simple Tips And Strategies For Article Marketing To Make Money Online In A Home Based Business

Article marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote any website, bus

iness or blog. To get great traffic and rank highly on search engines particularly when you want to make money online in a home based business, you need the benefit of some great tips and strategies to use in your article marketing to help you on your way.

Although many strategies exist, one which is an absolute must as a starting point, is researching keywords or keyphrases as they are also known, and these should be included in your articles. A keyword or keyphrase can be just one word or several words in length but not longer than a sentence.

Let me just take you back to a year or so ago to when I used to work in a traditional job working in a college. I loved it and thought that’s how my life would be forever but due to the desperate economic climate affecting most parts of the world and like so many thousands before me, I was made redundant and needed to find alternative work. That’s when I turned to the Internet and decided to work from home and work online. As it turned out, being made redundant, although terrible at the time, has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Until that point, I’d never known anything about keyword research before. Never had any need for it but all that’s changed now. It’s become a very necessary part of my daily routine and if you work online, maybe in an Internet marketing business or another type of Internet business, then a brilliant strategy to use is article marketing as it’s so effective in driving visitors to your site.

Finding the right keywords for your articles is absolutely crucial because they are the foundation on which the whole article rests and if not done correctly, will affect the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

Most people go to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing when looking for products and services. Keyword research indicates what words or phrases people are using to search for products or services in your particular niche.

There are several tools which can be used to conduct effective keyword research and one of these is the Google Keyword Tool. This is a great one to use because it shows what terms people have used to search for keywords on the Google search engine and it’s completely free to use. To get the most out of this tool, it’s best to make use of keywords which have very little competition.

Once you’ve completed your research and the keywords have been identified, go ahead and write your article and make it interesting and educational to the reader. Preferably both but make sure you incorporate your keyword in the both the title and the article or nobody will be able to find your article. Once your article is complete, submit it to to obtain their approval.

Conducting accurate keyword research is the foundation of the entire marketing strategy. If you don’t get your keyword research right, nobody is going to be able to find your articles and you will have wasted your time and effort. Get your keyword research right and you’ll find your article will show up in the right places. It will get your website and business known by those who already want to buy from you through these proven methods.

So if you want to make money online in a home based business and you implement these tips into your article marketing, you’ll soon get your target market reading your articles. Who knows, you may get lots of positive feedback and comments to them on your blog too. This is very rewarding and will spur you on to write more articles for certain. I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavours. If you’ve found my post useful, I’d be grateful if you’d share it with your friends and leave me some comments. Thanks!

January 9th, 2012

Does An Internet Marketing Business Need A Facebook Page?

You bet it does, along with just about every other business on the planet both online and offline no matter how big or small. This is the 21st Century and technology is racing ahead at such a speed. If you’ve got an Internet marketing business or any other kind of business, you need to be getting a Facebook Page right now. Don’t wait, you won’t want to get left behind.

So why Facebook?

New sites such as Google+ and privacy-focused Diaspora are attempting to knock it off its pedestal, but at the end of the day, almost everything in today’s social media space is focused around Facebook.

With around 700 million user accounts, Facebook has grown exponentially since its Harvard beginnings in 2005, and in fact, if it was a country it would be the 3rd most populated in the world.

Some people have misgivings about Facebook for various reasons such as lack of time, concerns about privacy or general confusion but the benefits definitely outweigh the drawbacks.

For the majority of us, when we think of the Internet, the first website that comes to mind is Google, but in fact, Facebook has more web traffic than the titanic search giant, where people spend around 700 billion minutes per month on the social network. Clearly, this is where your business needs to be.

Then again, it’s not just about the numbers. Still not convinced? Read on.

Online Presence

An individual has their own personal profile, but as a business, you can create what is known as a Facebook Page. Recent updates to the way Facebook works, mean that you can interact with other users pages as your business. In other words, any activity on Facebook can be attributed to your Business Page rather than your own personal Profile – effortless advertising at its most subtle, so long as you’re not over posting unnecessarily.


Anybody who ‘likes’ your page will see everything that you post in their News Feed – a live, constantly updated stream of information. The nature of the site means that everything you do in the public domain on Facebook will show up to all your target audience, giving them an opportunity to interact all the time. Post something interesting every day and people are able to get to know you and your business better, and this knowledge leading to trust is crucial for your success.


This is a platform for you to show and tell your audience just how special you are – not in an overt way, but through being a veritable expert on your market niche. Post informative tips, interesting news articles, useful ideas so that you are first in the collective consciousness of your audience when they need your services.


Facebook is another outlet for your company so make the most of this – the more you are seen across the Internet with a consistent brand image the better, so even if you’re new to this, you can be on the same level as the big guys! Get yourself a professional branding package if you can which will greatly improve public perception of your business, and then make sure this is the same across your online presence, including Facebook.

Go Viral

If you like, this is your main goal here, and while it doesn’t happen to everyone, Facebook helps hugely. Everything is about sharing here, and it’s free word-of-mouth advertising! Sign up to RSS feeds and surf the net regularly for interesting content which you can then share on your Facebook page, be it videos, articles, tips, anything, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be yours either, as in this case you are only passing it on. Even the best journalists are known to share content from other companies and similar, so why can’t you every now and then do the same thing? Again, if people know they can trust you to pass on good information, then they will more than likely believe in you equally when you’re posting your own material.

This list could go on and on, and that’s the best thing about Facebook right now. It’s a true hub of activity, and the best thing you can do right now for your Internet marketing business or any business that you may be involved with is to get a Facebook Page as fast as you can.

N.B: Remember, a Facebook Page is different to a Facebook Profile. The latter is focused on business and a space for interaction with customers or potential customers, whereas a profile is what your friends and individuals use!

January 6th, 2012

Why Women Working From Home Need To Consider Using Video Marketing – Part 2

How To Start Video Marketing For Women Working From Home

If you’re thinking of joining the ever-growing ranks of women working from home running an online marketing business and you’ve read my previous article about video marketing and are ready to get started, I’ve got some advice that I hope will help you on your journey.

Through a process of trial, error and frustration, I worked out a fairly streamlined process that I hope, will make your life a whole lot easier.

If you’re feeling daunted by it, don’t be – there’s no need. If right now you’re thinking you won’t be able to stand in front of a camera and talk for two or three minutes, don’t let that put you off. The benefits are huge if you can master the art of video marketing.

The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel

It’s OK if you don’t feel confident at the outset. That’s how it is for the majority starting out and that’s quite normal. The only way this is going to get easier is to just jump in and get going even if you make mistakes and forget what you need to say.

So assuming that you’ve already done your keyword research around the niche that you want to target, then let’s get started.

Have you chosen a location to shoot your video? Do you have a tidy and light office away from noise or do you prefer an outdoors location? Either are fine but both have to show you in a professional way. You need to make sure you are neat and tidy too. If outdoors, you need to avoid a windy area and free from distractions for your viewers. They need to focus on you and not on the people playing games in the background.

Do you have a video camera and a kind and patient camera operator? You could use a tripod instead but it takes quite a while to set up. Better still and much quicker, do you have a smart phone with a video camera? They’re great and really easy to use and you just download your video onto your computer, edit if necessary and send to YouTube. Alternatively, you can record straight from your laptop and that’s fine too.

My preferred method is to get someone to video me using my iPhone, then I download it onto my Apple Mac. If no editing is needed, I just upload it to YouTube. Job done. Simple.

If you really can’t face the camera, then you can always do a slide-show with recorded voice over. You can use power-point on a PC or keynote on an Apple Mac and these work great too. An example of this can be found here

Punchy, interesting videos attract viewers – make the most of it!

Remember, video marketing is very popular and it’s a great way to get your messages out to your target market. Don’t forget your videos need to be entertaining, informative or educational or a combination of all. They must be attractive to the viewer and provide valuable content.

I aim to shoot around three minutes of video footage in total, preferably less, and if possible, without using any kind of cue prompter. A good method I recommend is to write an article on a topic you’ve researched or learnt for article marketing or for your blog, then read it a few times and do a video about it while it’s still fresh in your mind. This way you won’t need to read off a cue prompter or a sheet of paper and it’ll be much more conversational.

Listening to someone speak naturally even if they make a few mistakes is much more appealing that watching someone who is obviously reading. If you allow yourself to relax, you’ll find your words flow much easier.

Another tactic I use is to have a few large bullet points on paper beside the camera to jog my memory as I go. This keeps the flow natural.

Don’t forget you need to say your keyword in your video and you’ll need to put your keyword in the title too. You will also need to put your keyword and other related keywords into the ‘tags’ section and make sure you include a link to your social media or website in the ‘description’ box along with details of your video. I put the link at the top of the box.

If like me, you want to be successful amongst the army of women working from home, and if you implement some of these strategies, they should get you off to a good start. I wish you good luck. Do let me know how you get on. I’d love to hear from you.

January 5th, 2012

Why Women Working From Home Need To Consider Doing Video Marketing – Part 1

If you’re amongst the ever-growing army of women working from home running an online marketing business like I am, or you are considering starting your own online business, one of the many cost-effective ways to market your business is by video marketing.

For some, this might seem a daunting process, but there are a variety of ways you can do this if you’re not comfortable standing in front of a camera, so don’t let that put you off. If you want to make money online in a home based business, then I hope that what I have to share with you will be helpful.

Video marketing can be extremely powerful!

Video marketing is extremely popular and it’s a great way to get your messages out to a worldwide audience. People love to watch videos and if you keep them short and to the point, there’s no reason why you can’t be successful. What’s brilliant about video marketing too is that it’s FREE.

Ideally, your videos need to be either entertaining, informative or educational or a combination of all. Something that is attractive to the viewer, providing valuable content that they can use to their benefit. This way, you may stand to gain yourself a following and if you do, they are more likely to watch other videos that you produce in the public domain.

Have you heard of YouTube? (Click here to see mine and get an idea!) They are an absolute giant in the world of social media. They are the second largest search engine behind Google and are in fact, owned by Google. Did you know that YouTube streams over two billion videos each day and that every minute, twenty-four hours of new video footage is uploaded with the average person spending around fifteen minutes a day viewing content? Wouldn’t you agree this is a massive marketing opportunity not to be missed?

Do you know what your niche is?

Before you start to put a video together you need to first understand what your niche is and from there, you need to find the right keywords to use to target that niche. Without the right keywords, nobody is going to be able to find your videos. You need to put yourself in the shoes of someone looking for your business or opportunity and ask yourself what words or phrase will they type into a search engine to search for what you have to offer.

For example, I’m targeting other women working from home like me, so I’ve done my keyword research around this particular niche and have come up with a list of the keywords associated to it.

If you get your keyword research right then you stand the best chance of people finding your videos when they’re searching the Internet.

I can’t over emphasise enough the importance of understanding your niche and finding the right keywords before you start your video marketing. Without this strong foundation, the people you want to attract to your business or opportunity, simply won’t be able to find you.

If like me, you want to be amongst the army of women working from home, I hope you’re ready to find out more about how you can start putting some videos together and my next article will give you some tips on how to do just that.

Did you enjoy this article? Check back soon for part 2!

Want to see what’s hot on the Internet right now? This could make you some instant, hassle-free money, like it’s doing for me – just click here!

November 30th, 2011

The Empower Network Viral Blogging System – Changing People’s Lives

This is causing such excitement on the Internet right now and it’s only been going for a month. It’s such a great viral blogging system and you can earn 100% commissions paid directly into your bank account.

Why don’t you watch the video and see what you think. If you like the look of what you see, click on the link below to find out all about how it could change your life too.

It’s changing mine. Click here:

If you like this post, I’d love you to share it with your friends and family and pass it on. Thanks.

November 26th, 2011

Women Working From Home Online Need To Understand The Importance of a Blog

I’m one of the ever growing army of women working from home online and any of you more avid readers may recall me over the past few months, discussing the importance of video marketing, webinars, keyword research and other topics. And what is the best method to disseminate this information I hear you ask? Well, I’d have to say through the use of a blog. Never underestimate the importance of a blog as they have to deliver valuable information that will help others gain a better understanding of what it is you are writing about.

I think of my blog as the main hub of my activity on the Internet. Facebook and Twitter among others are great for spreading ‘bites’ of information, but my blog is where it all happens, it’s the root of my network.

Before we start…

So what is blogging? Good question. Blogging has been around for a while online, and many people treat it as their diary, although without the same privacy one might expect from a closed book. Blogs allow people to express their opinions, their thoughts, interact with others, but increasingly now – to express their ideas, which is why people such as myself have caught on to the idea.

Entrepreneurs across the world use their blogs to promote their businesses, raise awareness, show commitment to their customers and to boost their potential. A blog is a very powerful tool.

Here’s how a blog can make a difference to you, whoever you are.

Improving your brand

Forgive me for continually bringing this up, but the fact that I do shows just what the Internet can do for you. Any presence online, as long as it is clearly interlinked (think colour schemes, writing styles etc) will build your brand and increase how noticeable you are. In an increasingly ‘busy’ online space the more active you are the better.

A chance to write more

Many of the other services in a marketer’s toolbox are about getting messages across as quickly and succinctly as possible, whether you’re using tweets, videos, short posts or more. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it, but blogs give marketers significantly more leeway to really go into a topic, demonstrating their knowledge and to give readers a comprehensive insight into that niche.

Gain authority

Some of the ‘bigger’ bloggers are revered widely for really knowing their stuff, and this is because they are using their blogs to their full effect. We’ve all come across these incredible blog posts which always seem to hit the mark, and this makes us set new trust in the blogger, even if, as in most cases, we’ve never met them. Competition is difficult here, but the more you post and the more impressive that content is (we need quality and quantity) then the more of this authority you will find yourself earning.

Be accessible to all

The beauty of blogs is that no particular credentials are needed to view them. This is all about spreading to the masses, and you don’t get a lot more open than a blog. Almost anyone, anywhere in the world can read blogs without the need to sign up to a service, and even if they want to comment on a post, then increasingly there are linkages with services such as Facebook where crucially, readers already have accounts so they can get involved with what’s being written without the need for a cumbersome sign-up process.

Interacting with your readers

Nothing makes you feel so good inside as a positive comment below your latest blog post from a new reader. It’s incredibly rewarding to hear people benefiting from your hard work, and it’s so easy to actually strike up a conversation or even a debate with people below a post. This is the beauty of the Internet today and in many respects, it’s focused on the user and the ability to get involved and interact with content, so blogs are a perfect way to tap into this.

Search Engines

For all of us working online, much of our time is spent trying to adhere to SEO guidelines – search engine optimisation. Think about it. The more blog posts you have across a broad range of subjects within your niche, the more likely you are to get higher up those hallowed search results pages, or ‘rankings’ as they are called, and therefore the more hits you might get on your site as a result.


Even the least competitive among us are still, in the back of our minds, thinking about how they might just get a few more posts or subscribers than the next person. It’s only natural, and blogging encourages this healthy competition. Competition keeps us on our toes and means that we put more effort into producing quality content, which can surely only be a bonus.

Then how do I do it? It’s not as much of a hardship as you might think. Often, deciding what you want to write about can be the hardest part, but once you’ve settled down in the right mindset, have perhaps done a little research or reading around the topic area, this usually gets you going and before you know it, you’ve written a few paragraphs without too much trouble. Don’t worry too much if you think you have what’s commonly known as writer’s block, it happens to us all. You just need to go away for a while, do something different and start again fresh.

In practical terms, try to get into your own pattern of work. If you’re the kind of person who benefits most from setting aside a certain portion of your day to get the creative juices flowing, then go for that, but if you find you prefer to write on the spur of the moment as ideas come to you, then that’s fine too.

There’s no correct method here, and at the end of the day it’s up to you to think about what will work best for your set of circumstances. A quiet or at least reasonably distraction-free environment will probably help you, so I would suggest putting your mobile phone on silent for a while and turning off all your social media too. In my case, the needs of my family often have to take priority, but once they are sorted and happy, I’m ready to go.

I can’t emphasise enough how great blogging is. Finally, just think about how you are when you’re on the Internet. If you’re anything like me, then you read one article or similar, and then you click on the related links on the side. Before you know it, you’ve been sitting there reading for twenty minutes, and that time had just disappeared in a flash.

People are inquisitive by nature, and with blogs this can only work to your advantage. If like me, you’re amongst the ever-growing army of women working from home these days, hook readers and they’ll be sure to come back for more. Even though blogs are longer than your regular Facebook post, they’re still palatable for short reads, and you can’t ask for more than that really.

If you’ve found my blog post interesting, I’d love you to share it with your friends.  Thanks

November 19th, 2011

Women Working From Home Online Need To Understand The Importance of a Blog

I’m one of the ever growing army of women working from home online and any of you more avid readers may recall me over the past few months, discussing the importance of video marketing, webinars, keyword research and other topics. And what is the best method to disseminate this information I hear you ask? Well, I’d have to say through the use of a blog. Never underestimate the importance of a blog as they have to deliver valuable information that will help others gain a better understanding of what it is you are writing about.

I think of my blog as the main hub of my activity on the Internet. Facebook and Twitter among others are great for spreading ‘bites’ of information, but my blog is where it all happens, it’s the root of my network.

Before we start…

So what is blogging? Good question. Blogging has been around for a while online, and many people treat it as their diary, although without the same privacy one might expect from a closed book. Blogs allow people to express their opinions, their thoughts, interact with others, but increasingly now – to express their ideas, which is why people such as myself have caught on to the idea.

Entrepreneurs across the world use their blogs to promote their businesses, raise awareness, show commitment to their customers and to boost their potential. A blog is a very powerful tool.

Here’s how a blog can make a difference to you, whoever you are.

Improving your brand

Forgive me for continually bringing this up, but the fact that I do shows just what the Internet can do for you. Any presence online, as long as it is clearly interlinked (think colour schemes, writing styles etc) will build your brand and increase how noticeable you are. In an increasingly ‘busy’ online space the more active you are the better.

A chance to write more

Many of the other services in a marketer’s toolbox are about getting messages across as quickly and succinctly as possible, whether you’re using tweets, videos, short posts or more. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it, but blogs give marketers significantly more leeway to really go into a topic, demonstrating their knowledge and to give readers a comprehensive insight into that niche.

Gain authority

Some of the ‘bigger’ bloggers are revered widely for really knowing their stuff, and this is because they are using their blogs to their full effect. We’ve all come across these incredible blog posts which always seem to hit the mark, and this makes us set new trust in the blogger, even if, as in most cases, we’ve never met them. Competition is difficult here, but the more you post and the more impressive that content is (we need quality and quantity) then the more of this authority you will find yourself earning.

Be accessible to all

The beauty of blogs is that no particular credentials are needed to view them. This is all about spreading to the masses, and you don’t get a lot more open than a blog. Almost anyone, anywhere in the world can read blogs without the need to sign up to a service, and even if they want to comment on a post, then increasingly there are linkages with services such as Facebook where crucially, readers already have accounts so they can get involved with what’s being written without the need for a cumbersome sign-up process.

Interacting with your readers

Nothing makes you feel so good inside as a positive comment below your latest blog post from a new reader. It’s incredibly rewarding to hear people benefiting from your hard work, and it’s so easy to actually strike up a conversation or even a debate with people below a post. This is the beauty of the Internet today and in many respects, it’s focused on the user and the ability to get involved and interact with content, so blogs are a perfect way to tap into this.

Search Engines

For all of us working online, much of our time is spent trying to adhere to SEO guidelines – search engine optimisation. Think about it. The more blog posts you have across a broad range of subjects within your niche, the more likely you are to get higher up those hallowed search results pages, or ‘rankings’ as they are called, and therefore the more hits you might get on your site as a result.


Even the least competitive among us are still, in the back of our minds, thinking about how they might just get a few more posts or subscribers than the next person. It’s only natural, and blogging encourages this healthy competition. Competition keeps us on our toes and means that we put more effort into producing quality content, which can surely only be a bonus.

Then how do I do it? It’s not as much of a hardship as you might think. Often, deciding what you want to write about can be the hardest part, but once you’ve settled down in the right mindset, have perhaps done a little research or reading around the topic area, this usually gets you going and before you know it, you’ve written a few paragraphs without too much trouble. Don’t worry too much if you think you have what’s commonly known as writer’s block, it happens to us all. You just need to go away for a while, do something different and start again fresh.

In practical terms, try to get into your own pattern of work. If you’re the kind of person who benefits most from setting aside a certain portion of your day to get the creative juices flowing, then go for that, but if you find you prefer to write on the spur of the moment as ideas come to you, then that’s fine too.

There’s no correct method here, and at the end of the day it’s up to you to think about what will work best for your set of circumstances. A quiet or at least reasonably distraction-free environment will probably help you, so I would suggest putting your mobile phone on silent for a while and turning off all your social media too. In my case, the needs of my family often have to take priority, but once they are sorted and happy, I’m ready to go.

I can’t emphasise enough how great blogging is. Finally, just think about how you are when you’re on the Internet. If you’re anything like me, then you read one article or similar, and then you click on the related links on the side. Before you know it, you’ve been sitting there reading for twenty minutes, and that time had just disappeared in a flash.

People are inquisitive by nature, and with blogs this can only work to your advantage. If like me, you’re amongst the ever-growing army of women working from home these days, hook readers and they’ll be sure to come back for more. Even though blogs are longer than your regular Facebook post, they’re still palatable for short reads, and you can’t ask for more than that really.

If you’ve found my post useful, I’d love it if you’d share it with your friends.  Thanks.


October 9th, 2011

Self Branding For Success In An Internet Marketing Business

Is branding for businesses necessary? Yes, no question, it is absolutely necessary. ANY kind of Internet business whether it’s an Internet marketing business or any of the millions of other types of Internet businesses, and the same applies for offline businesses – they all need branding. Period.

Regardless of what kind of business you have, how big or small or what your products or services are or your geographical location – you need branding. A one man band business needs branding just as importantly as the corporate giants at the other end of the spectrum.  Every kind of business you can think of on the planet needs branding.

Many businesses have brands and don’t even know it. That’s because they don’t understand the need for branding, haven’t actively done anything about it because they don’t have a clue how to go about building it.  These business owners need educating, they don’t have the necessary skills to tackle it.

But their brand exists in the eyes of their customers who have made pre-judgements.  It may be their customers perceive them in a positive way so they’re lucky but on the same token, it could just as easily be the opposite and this is very damaging. This is how businesses can succeed or fail.

What would you rather be? A business that actively brands itself or one that has its brand determined for you? Wouldn’t you rather be in the driving seat developing a brand that  has all the elements for success to catapult your business into the fast lane? Who you are, what you do and how you do it, is your brand in the eyes of others so it’s crucial to your success to get it right.

So business owners need to get clued up and decide how to go about building their brand.

It makes perfect business sense to get your branding right and it includes anything from an offline business which could be a corner shop in your local village or town to a high street store right up to the giants in every industry in both the private and public sectors.

It could also be someone who has their own stall in a market or someone with an online business on the Internet in a work from home situation who wants an online job.

Every single business needs branding and if you’ve joined the huge army of people leaving the corporate world in times of economical turmoil to set up what you consider is  your own top home based business which allows you to work at home in an online job, you’ll definitely need what is called self-branding.

It’s all about being visible on the world-wide stage. Having a good image and being credible. You have to stand out from the crowd. How are people going to recognise you if you don’t have a brand? And if you don’t brand yourself, someone else will.  It’s what sets you apart from your competition.

You want your customers to come to know, like and trust you. Once you’ve achieved this, people will become loyal. They’ll tell their friends and family about you too. At least, that’s the objective so they go on to buy from you and return to buy more. You want to create a following.  You want to develop a good reputation. This is your brand.

People buy from people they know, like and trust so set about making sure you interact with your customers. Provide value and integrity. Be honest and be yourself. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. This will make huge inroads into the building of your brand. Your customers will see through you if you are not genuine and your brand will suffer as a result.

Take some of the major household names that have strong brands.  Think of almost any product or service in the world and you can think of a brand. These companies have gone to great lengths to build their brands. They have marketing departments whose job it is to  build these brands and to continually reinforce them, keeping them fresh in our minds.

Ask yourself, what was the last TV commercial you watched? What clothes do you like to wear? What do you like to drink? What TV would you go and buy? What car would you like to drive? Everything has a brand associated with it.

Do brands influence your purchasing decisions? Chances are, you buy the same toothpaste each week? Chances are too that you are programmed to buy brand names automatically. It’s become a sub-conscious act. Wouldn’t you like that for your business? That would surely sky-rocket your business venture to success.

Let’s just look at what you need to consider doing to brand or self-brand in order to make yourself visible to the world.

What is your product or service? Will it be good quality?  Will it represent good value? Who do you want to market it to? You have to be able to define your target market and target them accurately?

Do your research, see who your competitors are. How are they promoting their products or services and how do they brand themselves? Do you like what you see? Maybe you want to use some of their strengths and strategies to assist you in branding yourself without blatantly copying them. But remember, you need to be unique and know what your unique selling points (USP’s) are and actively promote those.

What are your key messages? What is your vision? What are your company values? What is your mission statement? What is going to make you stand out from the crowd?

What are you going to do to differentiate your business from every other business in your sector? Are you going to offer your customers and future customers free advice and training? This is a really good strategy for building strong links in developing your brand. People will greatly value what you have to offer without needing to feel pressured to pay for everything and they will be far more likely to want to buy from you as a result.

How are you going to communicate with your customers, both current and future customers?  You need to interact with your customers to build rapport and relationships. You need to be open, accessible and honest with them. If your customers know, like and trust you, they’re going to want to buy from you.

Above all, make sure you deliver on your promises if you want your brand to grow in the right direction.

You’ll need to use all sorts of marketing methods to get your messages out but in addition to your website, the social media marketing revolution will help enormously to increase your visibility and credibility. Your present and future customers are all using social media so you need to be in front of them. This will increase your brand visibility exponentially.

If this scares you and you know nothing about social media or how to go about setting it up, then don’t worry, you can learn. Read some of my other articles on social media and these will surely help get you started.

When people come to know that you have integrity, are honest, credible, deliver on your promises, are reliable and offering value, your brand will start to develop and grow. Then you can build on it.

You are going to need to work on your brand identity too. You may choose to have a corporate theme and image/logo that runs throughout your website and all marketing or promotional materials, point of sale, banners, flags, stationary etc

Many brands are recognised for a familiar jingle and most have logos that set them apart from their competitors.  Think about what you might want.

It’s a lot of hard work but once you’ve established a strong brand whether you have an offline business or an Internet marketing business or one of the millions of other types of  Internet businesses there are, branding will make a huge difference to your success.

I wish you success on your journey and if you’ve found this information useful, I’d love to hear your comments.  If you’d like to find out more about the business that allows me to make money online from home, then take a look on my ‘Work With Lindsey’ page here on my blog.

October 4th, 2011

What On Earth Is An RSS Feed?

If you’ve ever wondered what this is, take a read and find out

I hope this is helpful

Do let me know if you want more information like this

September 10th, 2011

The Importance Of Social Media Marketing In An Online Job

Social media is becoming increasingly more integrated into our lives, and for businesses, it’s an important key element to the marketing mix.   I’m a mum working from home in an online job and as I understand the importance of social media marketing, I’d like to share my experiences for the benefit of other business owners. If you’re wondering how to make money on the Internet, then by embracing social media marketing and including it into your marketing strategy rather than thinking “It’s not for me,” you’ll stand to reap the huge benefits it can bring.

Particularly so as your customers and future customers are using social media and it’s a great way to engage with them.  In addition to maintaining an online presence with your website, you need to be visible with a social presence also.

The worldwide recession is forcing us to add value to our businesses, so if you embrace social media marketing, the benefits will help to keep you trading in the future.

If you’re on a limited marketing budget, social media marketing is the most cost effective way to reach customers with information about your products, product news, sales, deals and more and you’ll find that if you devote an employee’s time, even on a part time basis, to setting up and running your social media marketing, you’ll have the ability to reach millions of potential customers that otherwise may never hear about you.

If you use some of the most popular social media marketing methods including blogging, you’ll have a very powerful outreach program that will raise awareness in your brand which in turn, brings credibility for your company.

Social media marketing will help build customer relations and if your consumers can easily share frustrations with products or customer service directly with you and get feedback, they will feel more confident in your brand and have a better connection to it.

Likewise, if consumers feel you value their feedback and you implement their suggestions,  for example, what to name a product or a perception of a product, they are far more likely to remain loyal to your brand and act as ambassadors on your behalf.

Social media can also generate high traffic to your business and in turn, increase sales which increases your return on investment (ROI).

It’s become an invaluable and necessary set of tools to add to your arsenal in the 21st Century and given the many ways we access the Internet including mobile phones and other devices in addition to computers, social media is set to continue the upward growth trend.

We may as well face it, it’s here to stay and we have to move with the times and best of all, it’s FREE.

Global Internet users top the 2 billion mark of which almost 300 million are in North America, almost 800 million in Asia, 450 million in Europe, 70 million in Africa, 200 million in Latin America & the Caribbean and 20 million in Australia and New Zealand.

Business owners are starting to wake up to the fact that they need to actively engage in social media marketing but many are unsure how to go about it. Maybe I can help from my own experiences here.

There are currently over 30,000 social media sites but this number is increasing by 300 each month and where do you start? Where do you focus your time and energy to get a return on your investment? It can seem like a minefield.

Whatever industry you’re in, you can create useful information in the form of blogs, articles and videos to share that others will find value in and learn from.  You don’t blatantly sell your products or services in social media. Your valuable content that is informative, educational and entertaining, enables consumers to get to know and trust you first. It then leads them from your social media sites to your website and that’s when you do your sales pitch. That’s how social media marketing works.

The three top giants that have become household names that I would recommend are Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Facebook has over 600 million active users and these people are logging in for an average of half an hour each day so you need to get your messages in front of them.  This represents a massive marketing opportunity so you’ll need a Facebook Page.

Twitter has been around for over five years amounting to over 10 billion tweets sent which equates to around 50 million tweets each day and this number is rising rapidly.  It’s the place to find out what’s happening in the world. It provides instant updates on almost any topic.

Another giant is Youtube, the second largest Search Engine to Google and owned by Google, streaming over 2 billion videos each day.  Every minute, twenty-four hours of new video footage is uploaded and the average person spends fifteen minutes a day on Youtube viewing content, representing another massive marketing opportunity.

If you implement some of these strategies into your online job or business, you’ll be heading in the right direction for sure.